sâmbătă, 2 iulie 2011


German: Sebstanalyse.
English: Self-analysis.
French: Auto-Analyse
"The review of a text confuses even
the field itself "
"The problem of self-analysis to investigate itself was quickly answered by psychoanalytic movement.
On 14 November 1907 in a letter to Wilhelm Fliess, Freud said:
"Auto-analyze my stagnating.
I understand now motivul.Nu I can analyze myself than serving me of objective knowledge acquired, as if a stranger.
A true self-analysis is virtually impossible, otherwise there would be no disease. (As if the disease is in an exclusively a consequence of objective analysis or the lack of analysis may Freud meant something else that the lack of objective analysis or less subjective mental illness is a factor, my note, G.Voinea)
Freud continues:
"Since my cases I put my other problems, I see myself forced to stop my own analysis"
If true self-analysis is impossible to analyze or others is at hand:
"These reserves have led Freud to invite disciples to" analysis "or to be treated like any other patients or to become psychoanalysts.
They have developed general principles of the "analysis" of "analysis of teaching" and "analysis of control" which would allow substantiation of development profession. "(That we have developed is right, they put so analysts were thrown out the window, to seek general principles, and now they are looking the other world my note Voinea)
"Consequently, self-analysis, the investigation itself, was excluded from training standards, unless it is an extension of cure"
(Indeed, as we saw some confused cure a garment pants to be pulled out, men and women, most have pulled their belts in treatment and cure "abstinence" turned into small or large sex scandals note my Voinea)
"Freud has changed several times during opinion about ... self-analysis was conducted between June 22 and November 14, 1897" (and we've changed my mind several times, from bad to worse, ie what outrageous-nm-Voinea)
"One thing is sure however, as noted Patrick Mahony: self-analysis was not a cure through words, but through writing one ...
Octave Mannomi replaced in 1967 with the term self expression analysis ANALYSIS originating more appropriate "(we analyzed so it is a lack of analysis, the analysts note my G. Voinea)
Well see how wrong analyzing Freud, even if the topic is analyzed else, he and this someone else, all use their 'objective knowledge acquired, or subjective, it is all the same anyway.
The analyst uses his knowledge whatever these analyzes or who, even if they purport to use, more reluctantly will use ...
Not using or not using such knowledge is the problem but the analyst subjectivity.
El analyst, can often be assumed that it is more gentle, more forgiving, ie subjectively himself compared to another topic.
The level of subjectivity, reason for which the analysis should be avoided if the subject analyst and analysis are relatives or lovers and more exciting.
And that Freud says when invents "rule of abstinence".
Of course it should not be absurd, we are humans and can happen, the moment that person becomes the subject of close analysis, or boyfriend (a) analysis should be suspended in the interest of both of us.
Unfortunately none of psychoanalysts not comply with the "rule of abstinence"!
Perhaps for this reason and setbacks catrastrofale suicides raining.
We as theorists rejoice that we find such errors, analyzing magnifying mistakes master and triumph in our findings probably from too much love for Freud and especially successful writings and our comments, made just fine on account grşelilor master Freud !!
Freud is just so "our father" (note my subjective-G.Voinea) ...
The essential thing is so objectivity in analysis, proves the whole history of psychoanalysis and the objectivity or we might call a "posting", this can be maintained if there is a sentimental bond between the two!
On the other hand a self-analysis is mandatory in our opinion, as only in this way learn the exercise test and learn to analyze and others!
Analyzing other people close to the truth if, and only if, you parse correctly yourself.
Analyzing yourself advance in this process and get to know your limits.
Self-analysis tells you the position you are in that moment.
If for example you had a death in the family will be difficult for the analyst to listen to stories about the death of the subjects analyzed! Maybe yes, or maybe not!

G. Voinea
German: Sebstanalyse.
English: Self-analysis.
French: Auto-Analyse
"The review of a text confuses even
the field itself "
"The problem of self-analysis to investigate itself was quickly answered by psychoanalytic movement.
On 14 November 1907 in a letter to Wilhelm Fliess, Freud said:
"Auto-analyze my stagnating.
I understand now motivul.Nu I can analyze myself than serving me of objective knowledge acquired, as if a stranger.
A true self-analysis is virtually impossible, otherwise there would be no disease. (As if the disease is in an exclusively a consequence of objective analysis or the lack of analysis may Freud meant something else that the lack of objective analysis or less subjective mental illness is a factor, my note, G.Voinea)
Freud continues:
"Since my cases I put my other problems, I see myself forced to stop my own analysis"
If true self-analysis is impossible to analyze or others is at hand:
"These reserves have led Freud to invite disciples to" analysis "or to be treated like any other patients or to become psychoanalysts.
They have developed general principles of the "analysis" of "analysis of teaching" and "analysis of control" which would allow substantiation of development profession. "(That we have developed is right, they put so analysts were thrown out the window, to seek general principles, and now they are looking the other world my note Voinea)
"Consequently, self-analysis, the investigation itself, was excluded from training standards, unless it is an extension of cure"
(Indeed, as we saw some confused cure a garment pants to be pulled out, men and women, most have pulled their belts in treatment and cure "abstinence" turned into small or large sex scandals note my Voinea)
"Freud has changed several times during opinion about ... self-analysis was conducted between June 22 and November 14, 1897" (and we've changed my mind several times, from bad to worse, ie what outrageous-nm-Voinea)
"One thing is sure however, as noted Patrick Mahony: self-analysis was not a cure through words, but through writing one ...
Octave Mannomi replaced in 1967 with the term self expression analysis ANALYSIS originating more appropriate "(we analyzed so it is a lack of analysis, the analysts note my G. Voinea)
Well see how wrong analyzing Freud, even if the topic is analyzed else, he and this someone else, all use their 'objective knowledge acquired, or subjective, it is all the same anyway.
The analyst uses his knowledge whatever these analyzes or who, even if they purport to use, more reluctantly will use ...
Not using or not using such knowledge is the problem but the analyst subjectivity.
El analyst, can often be assumed that it is more gentle, more forgiving, ie subjectively himself compared to another topic.
The level of subjectivity, reason for which the analysis should be avoided if the subject analyst and analysis are relatives or lovers and more exciting.
And that Freud says when invents "rule of abstinence".
Of course it should not be absurd, we are humans and can happen, the moment that person becomes the subject of close analysis, or boyfriend (a) analysis should be suspended in the interest of both of us.
Unfortunately none of psychoanalysts not comply with the "rule of abstinence"!
Perhaps for this reason and setbacks catrastrofale suicides raining.
We as theorists rejoice that we find such errors, analyzing magnifying mistakes master and triumph in our findings probably from too much love for Freud and especially successful writings and our comments, made just fine on account grşelilor master Freud !!
Freud is just so "our father" (note my subjective-G.Voinea) ...
The essential thing is so objectivity in analysis, proves the whole history of psychoanalysis and the objectivity or we might call a "posting", this can be maintained if there is a sentimental bond between the two!
On the other hand a self-analysis is mandatory in our opinion, as only in this way learn the exercise test and learn to analyze and others!
Analyzing other people close to the truth if, and only if, you parse correctly yourself.
Analyzing yourself advance in this process and get to know your limits.
Self-analysis tells you the position you are in that moment.
If for example you had a death in the family will be difficult for the analyst to listen to stories about the death of the subjects analyzed! Maybe yes, or maybe not!

G. Voinea 06.09.2016

"Reexaminarea unui text zăpăcește chiar 
domeniul in sine"
"Problema auto-analizei la investigarea de sine a fost foarte repede lămurită de mișcarea psihanalitică.
La 14 noiembrie 1907,într-o scrisoare către Wilhelm Fliess,Freud spunea:
"Auto-analiza mea stagnează.
Am înțeles acum motivul.Nu mă pot analiza eu însumi decât servindu-mă de cunoștiințele obiectiv dobândite,ca în cazul unui străin.
O adevărată auto-analiză este realmente imposibila ,altfel nu ar mai fi existat boala.(de parca boala este într-un mod exclusiv o consecință a  analizei obiective sau a absenței unei analize,poate Freud a vrut să spună altceva că lipsa analizei obiective sau mai puțin subiective este un factor de îmbolnăvire psihică,nota mea,G.Voinea)
Și Freud continuă:
"Întrucât cazurile mele îmi pun alte probleme,mă văd forțat să-mi opresc propria analiză"
Dacă auto-analiza adevărată este imposibilă analiza altora este mai la îndemană:
"Aceste rezerve l-au determinat pe Freud să-și invite discipolii la” analiză”,fie ca să se trateze ca oricare alți bolnavi,fie ca să devină psihanaliști.
Aceștia au pus la punct principiile generale ale ale ”analizei”, ale ”analizei didactice ”și ale ”analizei de control”,care urmau să permită fundamentarea dezvoltarii profesiunii."(faptul că le-au pus la punct  este drept ,le-au pus,de aceea s-au aruncat analistii pe fereastra,ca sa caute principiile generale,le caută și acuma pe lumea cealaltă,nota mea G.Voinea)
"În consecință ,auto-analiza,ca investigare de sine ,a fost exclusă din standardele de formare,cu exceptia cazului în care este o prelungire a curei"
(într-adevăr,după cum  am văzut unii au confundat cura cu un articol vestimentar de la pantaloni care trebuie scos,barbați și femei,majoritatea și-au scos cureaua în cură și  cura de "abstinență"s-a transformat în mici sau mari scandaluri sexuale,nota mea Voinea)
"Freud și-a schimbat de mai multe ori parerea in legatură cu durata auto-analizei ...s-a desfășurat între 22 iunie și 14 noiembrie 1897"(și noi ne-am schimbat de mai multe ori părerea,din rău în mai rău,adică ce scandalos-n.m.-Voinea)
"Un lucru este oricum sigur,după cum a remarcat Patrick Mahony:auto-analiza nu a fost o cură prin cuvânt,ci una prin scris...
Octave Mannomi a înlocuit în 1967 termenul auto analiza cu expresia mai adecvata  ANALIZA ORIGINARĂ"(așa este și noi am analizat o lipsa a analizei,la analiști,nota mea,G. Voinea)
Păi analizând vedem cum greșește Freud,chiar dacă pe un subiect îl analizează  altcineva ,atăt el cât și acest altcineva,tot iși folosesc "cunoștiințele obiectiv dobândite ,sau subiectiv,este oricum totuna.
Analistul își folosește aceste cunoștiințe indiferent ce analizează sau pe cine,chiar daca iși propune să nu le folosească ,mai mult fără să vrea le va folosi...
Nu folosirea sau nefolosirea acestor cunoștiințe este problema ci subiectivitatea analistului.
El,analistul,poate fi,ori ,se presupune că este mai blând,mai iertator,adică  subiectiv cu el însuși în comparație cu un alt subiect.
Nivelul de subiectivitate,ar fi motivul pentru care analiza trebuie evitată dacă analistul și subiectul analizei sunt rude sau  și mai excitant  amanți.
Și asta o spune și Freud când născocește"Regula abstinenței".
Sigur nu ar trebui sa fim absurzi,suntem oameni și se poate întampla,în clipa în care subiectul analizei devine persoană apropiata ,sau iubit(a) analiza trebuie suspendată în interesul amândoura.
Din nefericire nimeni dintre psihanaliști nu respectă "Regula abstinenței"!
Poate și din acest motiv plouă cu sinucideri și eșecuri catrastrofale.
Noi ca teoreticieni ne bucurăm că găsim astfel de erori ,analizând cu lupa greșelile maestrului și ne fălim cu descoperirile noastre probabil dintr-o prea multă dragoste pentru Freud și mai ales pentru mare  succes al scrierilor și comentariilor noastre,făcute vedeți bine pe seama grșelilor maestrului Freud!!
Astfel doar Freud este ”tatăl nostru”(nota mea subiectivă-G.Voinea)...
Esențialul în analize este deci obiectivitatea ,o dovedește toată istoria psihanalizei și această obiectivitate sau noi am putea să o numim ”detașare”,aceasta poate fi menținută dacă nu există o legătură sentimentală între cei doi!
Pe de altă parte o auto-analiza este obligatorie considerăm noi,întrucât doar în acest mod deprinzi exercițiul analizei,și înveți să analizezi și pe alții!
Analizarea altor oameni se apropie de adevăr dacă ,și numai ,dacă ,te-ai analizat corect pe tine însuți.
Analizându-te pe tine avansezi în acest proces și ajungi să îți cunoști limitele.
Auto-analiza iți dezvaluie poziția pe care te afli în momentul acela.
Dacă de pilda ai avut un deces în familie va fi dificil  ca analist să asculți poveștile legate de deces ale subiecților analizați !Poate da,sau poate nu!

G. Voinea

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