luni, 25 iulie 2011



60% dintre femei mimeaza orgasmul;

80% dintre femei si 95% dintre barbati se masturbeaza;

70%dintre femei si 75% dintre barbati continua sa se masturbeze si dupa casatorie;

aproape 20% dintre femeile care se masturbeaza folosesc penisuri artificiale(dildo);

aproape 60% dintre barbati si 30% dintre femei au fantezii sexuale cu doua persoane in acelasi timp;

54% dintre femeile intre 18-30 ani nu au orgasm,34% le lipseste dorinta si 28 % nu au nici o satisfactie din actul sexual;

48% dintre femeile intre 31-45 de ani nu au libido,43% nu au orgasm si 60% nu obtin nici o satisfactie din actul sexual;

40%dintre femei au probleme de excitare sexuala;

45% dintre femei nu au orgasm;

36% dintre femei au dureri in timpul actului sexual...

Intrebare:De ce nu stie lumea ce este un orgasm desi FIECARE CREDE EXACT PE DOS?

Raspuns:Pentru ca majoritatea dintre noi acceptam explicatii savante oferite de afoni in domeniu.

“Climax,in limba engleza -climax,apogeu,orgasm”


In TRANSILVANIA EXPRES,di ieri,alaltaieri, nu in ultima pagina ci in a 3-a,un titlu de-al meu,ar suna cam ase:'Noua moda,la Bucuresti este PENIS PRAF de servit cate one hundred grame pi zi ,plus cheltuielile'.

Un bucurestean a facut amor (amor real,MORTAL Kombat,nu alta) cu aspiratorul. Si nici macar nu era al lui, ci al lu` maica-sa! Tott facand el "curte" cu aspiratorul prin casa ,ce s-a gandit ,tot consuma curent ,ce ar fi daca si-ar intr-baga penisul pi teava aia unde trage praful!Zis si facut!Ce n-a stiut el este ca aspiratorul cu pricina avea doua butoane unul pentru aspirare si unul pentru stors si taiat.El sireacul,a optat,pentru taiere.

Dupa ce i-a facut penisul felii ,l-a gasit maica-sa ,lesinat.

Ea ca femeie simtitoare vazandu-l prabusit de PLACERE si plin de sange in zona inghinala a tras o spaima si o data cu ea si stecherul din priza.Noroc ca batrana s-a electrocutat si n-a mai apucat sa vada,ghiata femeie, podoaba de baiet cu organul reprezentativ lipsa la cantar!Ce orgasm ,ce polutie,ce solutie?.'”Am ejaculat ,tardiv in chinuri de placere”'a declarat el ,siderat de cele intamplate.

Rezultatul:toti prietenii se ofera voluntari sa-l imprumute cu un penis de fiecare data cand are trebuinta.

Si o companie de aspiratoare se reprofileaza pe aspiratoare de placere pentru satisfacerea erosului subliminal(sub limita)apesi pe buton si o IEI razna.Cica prototipul pt. fete este peste masura de fin si tare erect(BETON) umple vaginul perffect,intrucat isi mareseste volumul si circumferinta si nu consuma cine stie ce :Un orgasm pi WATT...

Dupa studierea a peste o suta de definitii ,majoritatea acestora din carti de specialitate ,si link-uri de profil,am realizat ca toate definitiile orgasmului sunt fie false, fie inexacte, fie marginale,incomplete adica.

Mai mult orgasmul este considerat doar o excitatie animalica, necontrolabila si in care psihicul, constiinta omului nu are nici un rol.

Avem exemple garla,suvoi nu alta.

sa vedem ce ne spune “LIBERTATEA”:

“Dacă porţi şosete ajungi mai repede la orgasm, deoarece ai picioarele calde şi circulaţia periferică mai bună, mai ales că mulţi oameni suferă de sindromul "picioarelor reci"?”

Vezi originalul la


Pai da prostia nu este ca spune chestia asta cu sosetele ,ci ca nu explica nimic.In plus nu-si demonstreaza afirmatiile! Evident ca purtatul sosetelor nu asigura ORGASMUL ,daca lipseste ceva din ceea ce ti-l produce ,ca de ex.un banal preludiu.

Iar la explicatia :ORGASM autorii in loc sa defineasca orgasmul ne spun ,ca la fraieri ,care sunt zonele erogene la o femeie!Este timpul ca si cei de la Libertatea sa afle ca intre erogen si orgasm ar fi niscaiva diferente semantice...

Mda sigur ca da,noi ar trebui sa multumim publicatiei “LIBERTATEA”pentru ca le tin pe fetele noastre,din Ro,excitate,intaratate si incalzite gata,adica cu sosetele pe ele.Ele raman cu sosetele …

Orgasmul este o descarcare neuronala de droguri endogene.Se manifesta printr-un AFECT ASOCIANT daca este obtinut cu un partener sau un AFECT DISOCIANT daca este obtinut prin masturbare.(definitie George)

THE STATE OF THE ART & the colloquial orgasm

Motto:orice om stupid este obsedat de sex.Asa se face sexolog...

Mobilul actului sexual
Cine a spus ca scopul actului sexual este NUMAI ejacularea barbatului?Nu este adevarat.Obiectivul actului sexual este placerea comuna.Ce placere ai atunci cand doar tu esti multumit?O placere mica.Egoista.In care nu te intereseaza placerea ori neplacerea partenerului ci numai tu contezi. Te pui pe tine pe primul plan.Dupa tine nu ramane decat sperma !Si aia neviabila de multe ori .In general, egoistii ,normal, sunt si NE-fertili! GURU

0 societate in care nebunii-răufăcători sunt lăsați să acționeze liber este toxică  și traumatică pentru indivizii sensibili.
Psihiatria dominata de interse financiare,ajunsă in stadii libidinale incestuase față de stiința medicală trăiește într-o zodie nefericită.
Incalificabilă moral, social si contra naturii,psihiatria riscă să dispară in viitorul apropiat.
Progresele medicale si globalizarea actului medical va duce la includerea psihiatriei in domeniul firesc al neuropatologiei...
Parcurgând DSM-III-R este incredibil cat de greșit este clasificat actul sexual.Ce este este DSM asta?Cică ar fi 'THE STATE OF THE ART',in acest domeniu,adică? 
No comment-George...
DSM este MANUALUL DE DIAGNOSTIC si statistica al tulburarilor mintale,publicat de American Psychiatric Association.Cifra III semnifica penultima editie aparuta initial in 1980,iar liera 'R' semnifica ca a fost revizuit,in 1987.
Îl voi specifica cu ghilimelele de rigoare,urmând ca apoi să-i subliniem erorile.
Ciclul sexual complet a fost studiat de H.W.Masters si V.E.Johnson,lipsiți de experientă(...).
Dacă cercetarea ar fi fost realizată,cel puțin de un colectiv mixt cu mai multe femei, aceasta ar fi dus la rezultate ce ar fi oferit o imagine mult mai completă si mai apropiată de realitate.
Deci,conform DSM-III-R, ciclul sexual complet se compune chipurile,din patru faze,faza apetitivă,faza de excitatie faza de orgasm si faza de rezoluție:
'a)Faza apetitivă ce consta dintr-o serie de fantezii legate de activitatea sexuala si de dorința de a avea activitate sexuala'.
Măi să fie, erecția unui penis este considerată NUMAI O FANTEZIE?Să te strici de ras nu alta!Fetelor destupați-vă urechile!
Când dansati cu un barbat si simtiti asa un penis dezvoltat ori umflat bine ,să stiți că nu-i adevărat este numai o fantezie de-a voastra.
Astfel ne invață profesorii!
Ati 'citit' prea multe filme porno,par sa zica ei.
La profesorașii aceștia  adica faza de inițiere sau apetitivă cum o numesc ei este doar așa  de fantezie.
Nici poveste profesioniștilor.Este data de contactele umane zilnice cu persoane de sex opus.Care ne plac sau ne incita,ne provoaca instinctul sexual!Ei confunda fantezia sexuala a copilului nestiutor cu apetitul pentru sex a adultului.Ori confuzia in ceea ce priveste copiii este deliberata?Firesc ar fi ca faza apetitiva sa fie provocata nu de fantezii,este fantezia profilor,ha,ha,ha,ci de contactele umane avute de subiect.Contacte intamplatoare ori fortate,legate de natura slujbei ori constiente sau scrutatoare a adultului aflat in cautare.Iar nu fantezia joaca rolul central ci dorinta!Halal manual,tovarasi...-nota mea Guru
b)'Faza de excitatie,ce rezida in senzatia subiectiva de placere sexuala legate de modificarile fiziologice ce o insotesc.
La barbat se constata turgescenta penisului,care duce la starea de erectie si aparitia secretiei glandelor Cowper.La femeie se constata o vasocongestie pelviana ,lubrefierea vaginala cu congestia organelor genitale,externe ,precum si tumefierea sanilor;(aici aproape este bine,totusi, la cata fiziologie ar TREBUI sa cunoasteti este mult prea vag,nota mea -Guru)

c)Faza de orgasm,reprezentată prin momentul culminant al atingerii maximumului de placere sexuală asociata cu relaxarea starii de tensiune sexuala si contractii ritmice ale muschilor perineali si organelor genitale.La barbat se noteaza senzația de ejaculare'...
Senzație?Cum poate să fie considerată EJACULAREA O SENZATIE?
Păi ORI este o senzație ORI este orgasm?Ori poate asta este faza de cacao!Ea doar a arătat o parte din coapsă,nu toată,doar asa ,ca o doamnă o porțiune și el pleosc a ejaculat de buimaceală,  a terminat pe dată acolo unde a nimerit să se găseacă! .
Ce să facă biata fată?S-a scuturat puțin și a șters-o,de jenă și de nefericire, a fugit  ...
Păcat ca acest fel de ejaculare  ce se numeste precoce si nici măcar nu e senzatie,este un fenomen real o izbucnire REALĂ,precum o explozie!Cum ar putea să fie o explozie o banală senzatie?Poate senzație de micime!Spermatozoizii efectiv tâșnesc din penis,aproximativ 60 de milioane per mililitru de lichid ejaculat....nota mea-George
...'urmată de emisia intravaginală a lichidului spermatic,la care se asociază contracția prostatei ,a veziculelor seminale si a uretrei.
La femei se produc contractii ale peretelui treimii externe ale vaginului.'.
Aiurea, texte false! La acest tip de orgasm ,cum anapoda ori greșit îi spuneți voi, majoritatea femeilor nu simt nimic,unele chiar nu sesizeaza ca sunt inundate de spermă,dacă sunt la fel   de lipsite de experientă ,precum voi, doctoraăilor...nota mea-George.

“In plus ,la ambele sexe se constata o tensiune musculara generalizata asociata cu contractii pelviene sau generalizate;'

TENSIUNE?Poate la prize,vom afla tensiune!Barbatul daca a ejaculat nu mai are tensiune decat in imaginatia voastra instruita la Playboy.El masculul nu stie cum s-o taie mai repede,pentru ca a terminat cu inceputul.Poate ceva curent la the next number!Da` si acela este de gasit la raionul curenti slabi!Ori barbatul o fi cumva pe nul?Sigur ca da,asta vroiau sa spuna expertii : la patru faze ar trebui sa avem si un nul.De ce nu ar reprezenta barbatul ,in aceste conditii,un sarman nul?Atunci,se pune intrebarea, de ce ar mai face sex femeia cu el?Mai bine foloseste un vibrator!Sa vedeti aici tensiune...Oricum ,adevarat,in acest caz aveti dreptate ,femeia simte o tensiune.Insa este o tensiune de OFTICA,sau de frustrare.Sursa neplacerii este lipsa orgasmului.In acest mod ,cum nefericit este descris,orgasmul se produce in rare cazuri.Atunci cand fie EA a fost extrem de excitata ori peste masura de indragostita...Ceea ce ne invata expertii astia pare desprins din coitul la iepuri si acolo intrreruptus,ori precum la porumbei ,adica dupa erectie imediat urmeaza ejacularea si gata,The End!Regret ca jignim porumbeii!Mai precis nici o diferenta intre ejacularea precoce si un ciclu sexual normal,bravos doctorasilor,nota mea-Guru.;

“d)Faza de rezolutie,ce consta intr-o senzatie de relaxare generala la care se asociaza o stare de bine ,de confort si de destindere musculara.”

Poate la voi doctoranzilor,intrucat vi s-au terminat gandurile,si alea putine,despre studiul coitului la pasarile de curte...
Subliniem clasificarea propusa de DSM-III-R este gresita intrucat intre faza de erectie si faza de orgasm nu exista nici macar un banal DU-TE VINO!De fapt si de drept ,ceea ce a fost descris, mai sus ,reprezinta O BANALA EJACULARE PRECOCE poentru barbat si un orgasm ratat pentru o femeie.
Ar trebui sa mai fac o subliniere. Este profund daunator sa consideram anormalul drept normal. Mai ales atunci cand oamenii care o spun sunt considerati experti,psihiatrii,profesori de sex ori sexologi cu renume.Si consecințele sunt cele care creeaza deviantilor si dizarmonicilor munitia bolnava a permisiviatii sociale.
Adica mai precis actul sexual la barbat urmat de ejaculare este considerat normal nesocotind dreptul partenerului-femeie de a simti placerea.
Stiti care sunt consecintele?
Atat la criminial cat si omul obisnuit ,mediocru nu intereseaaza orgasmul partenerului,ori efectele violentei sexuale asupra partenerelor de sex feminin!Orgasmul feminin este definit ca ceva lipsit de importanta.Si prin urmare femeia este desconsiderata.Tratata efectiv ca un OBIECT SEXUAL.Si asta intr-un manual!
Normal este ca barbatul sa prelungeasca ori sa amane ejacularea pana la obtinerea orgasmului feminin.Stim ca orgasmul feminin foarte rar,se produce, imediat, dupa erectia si intromisiunea penisului in vagin.
Poate numai intr-un numar infim de cazuri...Iata cum ajung femeile sa nu fie satisfacute!Cand niste afoni de barbati se ocupa de educatia noastra sexuala!Motivul principal al acestei erori ?Pai, mda, femeile nici macar nu au fost consultate.Desi faceau parte dintr-un experiment'STIINTIFIC' nici un expert de asta super-potent si super destept n-a consultat vreo feminista.Macar ceva de genul:'ma fata tu ce parere ai?Cum crezi ca se manifesta orgasmul la voi, sexul frumos?'.Nu ,ei au scris din "burta" si partea care le privea pe fete si asa au ajuns sa ne impuna un fals orgasm.
Orgasmul singur este un fals orgasm,un simulacru de orgasm din mai multe motive.Cantitatea de droguri endogene acelea care produc fericire descărcate in propriul corp sunt mult mai scăzute atunci cînd partenerul nu este multumit,ba se poate întampla să nu existe descărcare  la cei care practică sexul in loc de un alt sport(olimpic?).
Si ceea ce simte barbatul prin ejaculare nu este orgasm ,este tot un simulacru,atunci cand partenera,devenită obiect,ori jucarie sexuala, suferă ori ramane intr-o stare intermediară(neterminată)...

In plus orgasmul feminin real este o descarcare hormonala(chimică) extraordinara,benefica si pentru barbat.Ea ofera partenerului o placere anterioara ejacularii sale cand este indus constient de partener!Pentru ca barbatul adevarat ejaculeazza dupa ce ea partenera a trait orgasmul!Astfel ca nivelul de droguri endogene,adică de fericire resimțită,ce se descarca in creierul ambilor parteneri este cel putin dublu,decat atunci cand numai barbatul are 'orgasm'. Adică masculul este recompensat inzecit pentru efort!Orgasmul ambilor spulberă ,în plus si norii cuplului respectiv.
Readucându-le pofta de viață...

Însă eroarea fundamentală pe care o fac profesorii aceștia este definirea ejaculării,la bărbat,evident,ca fiind orgasm.

Greseala de aici pleaca.Este o greseală care determină in lanț celelealte greșeli care urmează ca o avalanșă.
Sexul cu un barbat si intre barbati.Sexul cu copii mici.Violul urmat de crimă si toate "plăcerile" din cutia Pandorei!Atâta vreme cat considerăm ejacularea la barbat ca fiind un orgasm vom fi obligați să admitem că este un orgasm INDIFERENT cu CE OBIECT SEXUAL ESTE OBTINUT.De pildă cu o găină!
"Orgasmul" obtinut prin ejaculare ,in afara unui contact intim ,cu o femeie ,nu este defel, un orgasm.
El este numai un substitut ,un inlocuitor!Așa ajung nebunii sa facă sex cu găinile,cu caprele, cu vacile ori cu alti barbati,adica cu orice altceva decât cu o femeie!Si apoi să-si zică că au avut orgasm.
Numai pentru ca este CONSIDERAT orgasm,inseamnă că este permis.Subiectul acceptă ca așa este normal.
Și asta datorită unor profesori,care afirmă că este  normal!
Ba trec "NORMALUL"acesta și in manuale.
Asa ca sa-i zapaceasca pe copii!
Pai dragilor,era sa scriu dracilor,nu greșeam prea tare,scoateți normalul invers din manuale!
Un manual se construieste in primul rând cu gândul la consecințe.
Fiind considerat un punct de plecare in domeniu,construcșia sa trebuie sa fie una riguroasă.
Apoi manualul nu trebuie sa inverseze gusturile normalilor.
Pentru o câțiva oameni aflați pe invers și deci zăpăciți sa stricam mintea TUTUROR adolescentilor spunându-le ca homosexualiatea este un comportament sexual normal!
 Si de la niste doctori-psihiatrii te astepți la delimitari clare intre senzații si fenomene!
Pentru că, ejacularea pănă ajunge sa fie o senzație este mai întâi un fenomen,un proces!
Tot A.P.A a decis ca erectia unu adult ,de peste treizeci de ani ,la vederea unui bebeluș, in vârsta șase luni, este o excitare NORMALĂ?(Dumnezeule!Păi orice parinte normal ar alunga,de lângă copilul său, în șuturi, orice pedofil ,indiferent cum se numeste,văzându-i erecșia!Ba știu cațiva care ar pune mâna pe pușca!
Și pe drept cuvant,este firesc!)
Pai orgasmul ,de fapt este un schimb hormonal intre doi parteneri de sex opus.Toate statisticile ginecologilor afirma ca prin relatiile hetero-sexuale femeile ,cu ciclu menstrual neregulat ,obtin o reechilibrare a ciclului.
Cum se poate asta in condițiile ,în care, fac sex ,folosind metode contraceptive naturale?
Natural ,adica ejacularea bărbatului se produce in afara vaginului.
O vrăjeste barbatul in pat cumva pe femeie si ea se reechilibrează?
Sau asa zisa vrajă are la baza niste acte folositoare ambilor?
Adevarat daca faci sex cu capre ,pasari sau barbati in loc de femei nu exista decat riscul sa omori vreo pasare(Si azi omori,DIN PLACERE, o gaina,iar maine, cine stie cine ,urmeaza)...
Și nebunii aceșstia au si umorul alterat,ori altfel:unei femei poti sa-i spui "hai fă ,nu vrei sa stai capră?"Pe cand ,unei capre ,degeaba ii strigi:" tu capră nu vrei sa stai capră?"
Nu degeaba se spune "vesel ca un nebun"!
Apropo,ce ziceati ca inseamna GAY?Vesel?
Sau poate mai vreti dovezi,va mai dau:40 la suta dintre lesbiene au sindromul ovarului polichistic.
Care sindrom vine cu exces de par pe fata insa chelie (acolo ,unde ,vor incerca diverse ...peruci),obezitate ,ciclu neregulat sau de multe ori absent si normal,infertilitate.Ce vreti "placerea" costa!

Sigur ca da, sexul barbatului cu o femeie,se intampla sa aduca pe lume si alti urmasi.In SUA se produc,anual, trei milioane de "accidente"care aduc sarcini nedorite.Au fost semnalate cazuri in care ea a ramas grea ,desi partenerul ei a ejaculat numai pe coapsele acesteia.Va dati seama ce spermatozoizi smecheri au barbatii astia?(De viteza si mobilitate nu mai pomenim,sunt campioni la F1).
Totusi, SUA are o adevarata epidemie de infertilitate,trei milioane de femei nu pot sa faca copii!Logic la astfel de manuale ,asa public.Tot au ei criza ,de ce nu ar fi ,una generala?Si asta li se trage de la fatidicul an 1973...Cinsprezece la suta dintre cupluri au probleme de fertilitate in SUA.

Totusi ma indoiesc ca acele cupluri cu probleme de fertilitate care reusesc sa procreeze, asistati medical, isi vor lasa copii ,facuti cu mari eforturi, pe seama pedofililor sa-i creasca, sa-i educe si sa-i "iubeasca".
Sigur ,nu sunt expert in arta sexuala,insa daca mai vad manuale scrise de doctori afoni in sexologie,ajung maestru Kung-fuck...

In ultima lor analiza H.W.MASTERS si V.E.JOHNSON au descris orgasmul numindu-l :"CICLUL SEXUAL LA FEMEIE"in patru faze:faza de excitatie ,faza de platou ,orgasmul propriu zis si faza de rezolutie. Noutatea este faza de platou.
Nu insist aici o sa -l tratez in amanunt la capitolul Orgasmul FAMILIAR.precizez ca tot ceea ce am spus mai inainte ramane valabil,in principiu si aici.Voi sublinia in acest fragment doar erorile capitale.

De la Sigmund Freud incoace toti cei care au studiat orgasmul la femei au sesizat importanta CLITORISULUI in producerea orgasmului feminin.
Numai Masters & Johnson cei care au ajuns experti NU AU SESIZAT.
În cele patru faze ale lor clitorisul abia este pomenit de doua ori .
Și fără sa fie descris ori barem sugerat ce rol important indeplinește clitorisul in producerea orgasmului!
Masters & Johnson descriu orgasmul feminin ca pe un fenomen bizar cu patru faze nelegate(rupte) intre ele .Ei nu explica decat vag ce se intampla in corpul femeii in timpul orgasmului.Meritele lor sunt cele patru faze deja intrate in folclor.
Invers DA mai degraba:dovada sunt miile de experimente cu si despre masturbarea clitoridiana!
Din punctul de vedere al studiului  Nirvana orgasmul descris de Masters & Johnson este incomplet si pe alocuri fals.
Cu adaugirea că el se produce așa cum este descris rareori.
Adică au numai partial dreptate.Din motive de marketing el a fost insa promovat de oameni dezinformati.
Desigur nu tot ceea ce circula ne si foloseste.
In concluzie studiul lor incurca intelegerea orgasmului real.
George Voinea

Va urma

60 % of women mimicking orgasm ;

80 % of women and 95 % of men masturbate ;

70 % of women and 75 % of men continue to masturbate after marriage ;

nearly 20 % of women masturbate using artificial penis ( dildo ) ;

nearly 60 % of men and 30 % of women have sexual fantasies with two people at the same time;

54% of women aged 18-30 have an orgasm , 34 % lack the desire and 28% have no satisfaction from sexual intercourse ;

48% of women aged 31-45 years have libido , 43 % had an orgasm and 60 % do not get any satisfaction from sexual intercourse ;

40% of women have problems with sexual arousal ;

45 % of women have orgasms ;

36 % of women have pain during intercourse ...

Question : Why does the world know what an orgasm each loan although the opposite ?

Answer : Because most of us accept the explanations offered by tone deaf scholar in the field.

" Climax, English - climax , climax , orgasm "

PI orgasm WATT

In Transylvania Express , di yesterday, day before yesterday , not last page but in a 3, a title of mine , it sounds like six ' new fashion in Bucharest is served each PENIS powder one hundred grams pi day plus expenses ' .

A Bucharest made ​​love ( real love Mortal Kombat , not another) vacuum . And it was not even his, but the lu ` his mother ! Tott making it " yard " to vacuum the house, you thought all current consumption, what if they would put in that pipe pi penis which pulls dust ! Said and done , what he did not know is that the vacuum in question have two buttons one for suction and one for squeezed and taiat.El sireacul opted for cutting .

After what he did to his penis sliced ​​his mother found him , unconscious .

Sensible woman seeing it as it collapsed like and bloody groin and pulled a fright with it and plug in the old priza.Noroc was shocked and never got to see, ice woman BOY Ornament representative body lack the scale , what orgasm that pollution , what solution ? . ' "I ejaculated , late in the throes of pleasure '" he said, stunned by what happened .

The result: all my friends volunteer to lend him a penis every time need be .

And a company converts to vacuum cleaners pleasure to meet eros subliminal ( below ) press the button and take the prototype for razna.Cica . girls is exceedingly fine and hard erect ( CONCRETE ) fill perffect vagina because they mareseste volume and circumference and not eat who knows what : An orgasm WATT pi ...

After studying over a hundred definitions , most of the books, and profile links , I realized that all definitions of orgasm are either false or inaccurate , or marginal , ie incomplete .

More than just an orgasm is considered excitation animal uncontrollable and the psyche , human consciousness has no role.

We have examples backwater stream over another .

see what it says " FREEDOM "

" If you wear socks reach orgasm faster because you feet warm and better peripheral circulation , especially since many people syndrome " cold feet " ? "

View original on


Well yes it is like saying stupid stuff with socks , but that does not explain and demonstrate nimic.In plus no claims ! Obviously not wearing socks ensure orgasm, if you miss some of what it produces , ie, a trivial as foreplay.

And the explanation : ORGASM authors define orgasm instead tell us that the losers are the erogenous zones in a woman ! 's Time as those from Freedom to learn that between erogenous orgasm as niscaiva and semantic differences ...
For Afon : orgasm FREEDOM

Yeah sure yes, we should thank the publication " Freedom " that we keep our daughters from Ro, excited , stirred up heated and ready , that the socks stay with socks on ele.Ele ...

Orgasm is a drug endogene.Se neuronal discharge manifested by a condition associated if obtained with a partner or dissociated AFFECTIVE if obtained by masturbation. ( Definition George )

THE STATE OF THE ART & the colloquial orgasm

Motto: any stupid man is obsessed sex.Asa is sexologist ...

Mobile sex
Who said that the purpose of sex is ONLY male ejaculation ? Adevarat.Obiectivul not sexual pleasure is pleasure comuna.Ce you only when you 're happy ? Mica.Egoista.In Pleasure not pleasure or displeasure to you partner only you matter . Put yourself first plan.Dupa you remain only sperm! And that often unviable . Generally , egoists , normal, and we are fertile ! GURU

0 - crazy society where criminals are allowed to act freely is toxic and traumatic for sensitive individuals .
Inter dominated financial Psychiatry , reached incestuous libidinal stages to medical science lives in a sign unfortunate .
Unspeakable moral , social and unnatural , psychiatry is likely to disappear in the near future.
Medical advances and globalization will lead to the inclusion of medical psychiatry in the natural course of neuropathology ...
Going through the DSM -III -R is amazing how wrong it is classified sexual.Ce act DSM that? They say it would be 'THE STATE OF THE ART' , in this area , that ?
No comment- George ...
DSM is the diagnostic manual of mental disorders and the statistics published by the American Psychiatric Association.Cifra III signifies the penultimate edition originally published in 1980 , and Liera ' R' means it was revised in 1987.
I will specify the quotes rigor, I will then point out errors .
Complete sexual cycle has been studied VEJohnson HWMasters and inexperienced ( ... ) .
If research had been done , at least by a team mixed with many women , it would have led to results that would have provided a much more complete and more realistic .
So according to DSM -III -R , complete sexual cycle consists faces of four phases , Phase appetite, arousal phase phase phase orgasm and resolution :
' a) Phase appetite that consists of a series of fantasies about sexual activity and desire for sexual activity ' .
Gee , erection of the penis is considered ONLY a fantasy ? Let me not ruin another razor ! Girls uncork your ears !
When dancing with a man and feel like a swollen penis developed or well , know that is not true is just a fantasy of yours.
Thus teaches us teachers !
You 'read' too much porn , they seem to say .
At profesoraşii they mean the initiation or appetite as they call it is just so fancy .
No profesioniştilor.Este story on daily human contact with people we like sex opus.Care or incite us , challenges us sexual instinct ! They confuse fantasy ignorant child sexual appetite for sex adultului.Ori confusion regarding children 's deliberate ? Naturally it would be like to be challenged not phase appetite for fantasy is fantasy Profiles , ha , ha , ha , but human contact subiect.Contacte taken by random or forced , from the nature of the job often unaware or scrutiny of adults in cautare.Iar fantasy not play a central role but wish! Halal hand -note ... my fellow Guru
b ) ' phase excitation , which lies in the subjective feeling of sexual pleasure -related physiological changes that accompany it .
When man is found turgid penis , leading to erectile condition and appearance gland secretion Cowper.La woman finds a vasocongestion pelvic congestion vaginal lubrication genitals external and swollen breasts , ( here close is good , however, the physiology should know how much is too vague, my note - Guru )

c ) orgasm phase , represented by the climax of achieving maximum sexual pleasure associated with sexual tension and relaxation state of rhythmic contractions of the perineal muscles and organs genitale.La man feel ejaculation is denoted ' ...
Feeling ? What can be considered ejaculation feeling ?
Well RIO RIO sensation orgasm? Or maybe this is the phase cocoa : she only showed part of the thigh , not all , just like that, like a lady a portion of splash he ejaculated by dizziness , finished once there where he got to identify appropriate ! .
What do the poor girl ? Shook slightly and deleted it , embarrassment and unhappiness , ran ...
Too bad this kind of early ejaculation is called and not even feeling it is a real phenomenon outburst reality and explosion what might be an explosion a mere sensation ? Perhaps feeling smallness ! Actual sperm shooting out of the penis approximately 60 million per milliliter of ejaculate .... my note - George
... " , followed by emission of the liquid vaginal sperm , in association with the contraction of the prostate , seminal vesicles and urethra .
When women produce contractions of the external third of the vagina wall . ' .
Bullshit false texts ! In this type of orgasm, as you call it wrong , or awry , most women do not feel anything, not even discern some sperm flooded , if they are as inexperienced as you, my note - George doctoraăilor ... .

" Additionally , both sexes are found generalized muscle tension associated with pelvic or generalized contractions ; '

VOLTAGE ? Maybe outlets , we are live! Man if he has not ejaculated voltage than your imagination trained to Playboy.El male knows how to cut faster, he finished with a current inceputul.Poate the next number ! Yes ' and that is found at low current district ! Either a man as somehow invalid ? of course , what I mean experts : the four phases and should have a nul.De would not be the man , in Under these conditions, a poor invalid ? Then the question is , why would she have sex with him? better uses a vibrator ! His blood you see here ... Anyway, really , in this case you're right , she feels a tension . however is pissed voltage , or the lack orgasmului.In frustrare.Sursa displeasure this way , how unfortunate is described cazuri.Atunci rare orgasm occurs when either was extremely excited or overly in love .. . teaches what these experts seem split from coitus in rabbits and there intrreruptus or as pigeons , that follows immediately after ejaculation erect and ready , The End ! sorry to offend pigeons ! specifically no difference between premature ejaculation and a cycle intercourse , bravos doctorasilor , my note - Guru . ;

" D ) phase resolution, which consists of a general feeling of relaxation that is associated wellbeing , comfort and muscle relaxation . "

Maybe I'll PhD , because you are over your thoughts, and those little about coitus study in poultry ...
Emphasize the classification proposed by DSM -III -R is wrong because between stage erection and orgasm phase there is not even an ordinary fro ! Fact and law , which has been described above is a trivial Premature EARLY missed yet for man and for a woman orgasm .
You should do an underscore . The abnormal is deeply damaging to consider as normal. Especially when people who are considered experts say , psychiatrists , sexologists often teachers sex with renume.Si consequences that create deviance and social permisiviatii dizarmonicilor the ill ammunition .
I mean specifically the male sex is considered normal ejaculation followed despise the female partner to feel pleasure .
Do you know the consequences ?
Both the common man criminial and mediocre intereseaaza not orgasm partner or sexual violence effects on female partners ? Female orgasm is defined as something lacking importanta.Si desconsiderata.Tratata therefore she is actually an object that SEXUAL.Si a manual !
Normal is the man to prolong or delay ejaculation until getting orgasm female orgasm feminin.Stim rarely occurs immediately after erection and intromisiunea penis into the vagina .
Perhaps only a small number of cases ... Here's how to get women to not be satisfied ! Tone deaf when some men takes care of our sex ? Main reason for this error ? Well , yeah , women were not even consulted . while being part of a experiment'STIINTIFIC ' no expert this super potent and super smart not found any feminista.Macar something like : ' what do you think my face ? How do you think you manifest orgasm , sex nice ? ' . No. they wrote in " belly " and we watched the girls so have come to impose a fake orgasm.
One is a fake orgasm orgasm orgasm semblance of several endogenous drug motive.Cantitatea those that produce happiness downloaded in your body are much lower when the partner is not happy , in fact it can happen that there is no discharge in those sex workers instead of another sport ( Olympic ? ) .
And what man feels ejaculation is not orgasm , it is all a sham when her partner became the object or sex toy , suffer or remain in an intermediate state (unfinished ) ...

In addition real female orgasm is a hormonal discharge (chemical ) extraordinary beneficial for barbat.Ea offers partner pleasure his previous ejaculation when induced conscious partner ? For truly ejaculeazza man after her partner lived orgasm ! So the drug endogenous felt that happiness which is discharged into the brains of both partners is at least double than when only the man has ' orgasm ' . That male is rewarded tenfold for effort ! Orgasm shatters both in addition and clouds of torque respectively .
Thus bringing their passion for life ...

But the fundamental error that these teachers do is define ejaculation , the man obviously as orgasm.

Mistake here pleaca.Este a mistake that causes the chain The other mistakes that are like an avalanche .
Sex between a man and child barbati.Sexul mici.Violul followed by murder and all the " pleasures " of Pandora's box ! Ejaculation as long as we consider man as an orgasm will be forced to admit that it is an orgasm no matter what object IS SEXUAL OBTINUT.De instance with a chicken !
" Orgasm " obtained by ejaculation outside intimate contact with a woman, it is hardly an orgasm.
He is only a substitute, a replacement ! So go crazy to have sex with chickens, goats , cows or other men , that with anything other than a woman ! And then to say that they had an orgasm .
Just because orgasm is considered , it means that it is acceptable that it is normal permis.Subiectul .
And that because of teachers who say it is normal!
Ba pass "normal " and in this manual .
So let 's muddle children !
Well dears , it was writing demons do not fail too hard , remove normal inverse books !
A manual builds primarily thinking of the consequences.
Being considered a starting point in the field, one construction of it must be rigorous .
Then reverse manual should not taste normal.
For a few people who are gay and so confused teenagers to ruin everyone's mind is telling them that homosexualiatea normal sexual behavior !
 And to some doctors , psychiatrists expect the separation between sensations and phenomena !
Because ejaculation until you get to be a first feeling is a phenomenon , a process !
All APA decided that one adult erection for over thirty years, the sight of a baby , aged six months, excitement NORMAL ? ( Dumnezeule! Well any parent would normally ward next to his child , the shots , any pedophile no matter what it's called , seeing them erecşia , yes i know a few who would get the gun !
And rightly , it is natural ! )
Well orgasm is actually an exchange between two partners of sex hormone opus.Toate gynecologists statistics say that the relationships hetero- sexual women with irregular menstrual cycle , get a rebalancing of the cycle.
How is that in conditions in which sex , using natural methods of contraception ?
Naturally , that man's ejaculation occurs outside the vagina .
A man in bed somehow charms the woman and she rebalances ?
Or so called magic is based on some useful documents both ? True if sex with goats , birds or men instead of women there is only a risk to kill a bird ( And today kill for pleasure , a chicken , and tomorrow , who knows who , following ) ... and these nuts and humor have altered or otherwise : a woman you tell her "let's do not want to stay goat ? " Whereas , a goat , nothing shouts " do not you goat you sit goat ? " No wonder they say " merry like crazy ! " By the way, what he says it means GAY ? merry ?

Or maybe you want proof, will give 40 percent of lesbians have polycystic ovary syndrome .
Syndrome that comes with excess hair on the face but baldness (when , where, will try different ... wigs ) , obesity, irregular cycle or often absent and normal infertilitate.Ce want " pleasure " cost !

Of course , man sex with a woman is going to give birth and other U.S. urmasi.In produce annually three million " accidents" that bring nedorite.Au tasks were cases in which it has remained difficult , although her partner ejaculated acesteia.Va thighs only imagine what these men have sperm slick ? ( mobility speed and not to mention , are champions in F1) .

However , the United States has an epidemic of infertility, three million women can not make copies ! Logic in such textbooks , so they have public.Tot crisis , why not, a general one ? And this comes from their fateful year 1973 ... Fifteen percent of couples have fertility problems in the United States.

However I doubt that couples with fertility problems who fail to procreate , medically assisted leave their children with great efforts made ​​on account of pedophiles to raise them , to educate them and " love " .

Sure, I'm no expert in the art of sex , but if you see books written by doctors tone deaf in sexology , get master Kung - fuck ...

In their final analysis and VEJOHNSON HWMASTERS described orgasm calling it " sexual cycle in females " in four phases: excitement , plateau , orgasm and resolution phase itself . The novelty here is phase one platou.Nu insist to treat in detail in Chapter Orgasm FAMILIARRR.precizez that everything I said before still applies , in principle and in this fragment only highlight aici.Voi errors capital .

From Freud onward all those who have studied women orgasm clitoris orgasm seized importance feminin.Numai Masters & Johnson reached the experts NU.In four phases of their clitoris is mentioned only twice. , And without be described or scale meets suggested that role clitoris orgasm ! Masters & Johnson describe the female orgasm as a four-phase non bizarre phenomenon ( broken ) between them. They only vaguely explain what happens in a woman's body during orgasm . their merits are the four phases already entered in folclor.Greseala most important is that PUR VAGINAL orgasms do not exist separately without the contribution of clitoral ! Conversely rather give : evidence are thousands of experiments and clitoral masturbation ! from the Nirvana principle study to orgasm described by Masters & Johnson is incomplete and sometimes he fals.Cu additions occur as described rareori.Adica have only partially dreptate.Din marketing reasons he was promoted but people dezinformati.Desigur not everything and move us conclude their study foloseste.In confused understanding real orgasm .

George Voinea

to be continued...

luni, 4 iulie 2011


There are people who only report what you say to your reactions. 
For them what matters is what you think about them and what is not true. 
I mean disregard of truth but only conjecture .. 
The good man prefers stability. 
No matter who or what NOVELTY PREFER produce. 
Novelty, circumventing the law, as the journey into the unknown that excites him. 
Right path as it bore normality. 
Annoy each other's happiness because he is happy when those around him are unhappy. And he thrives when everybody else I crouch'S gram of happiness. 
Equality between men is a word used in public, on stage or on TV. 

We say that all people are equal in all the suckers and the poor continue to dream. 
We say the phrase "all men are created equal" when we want to posing on TV, that works well for us., Ourselves as Democrats, and more gain and a vote in addition to our popularity.
Equality there is only one way in which pleasing me, 
And only me.
Social or economic stability which implies that there are other people to be happy and rich, like me, or something than me is unbearable for MINE.

We say that "all people are equa"l in all the suckers and the poor continue to dream. 
We say the phrase "all men are created equal" when we want to posing on TV, that works well for us., Ourselves as Democrats, and more gain and a vote in addition to our popularity.
Equality there is only one way in which pleasing me, 
And only me.
THEREFORE SHOULD resemble prevent others around me to reach ALSO RIGHT ME.
Neither not even dare to touch my level of happiness and wealth. 
Country where living is 
  Misfortune country exists because I'll happy with my life and with my achievements THIS. 
Dodging this country exists only for me, I DO NOT HAVE ANY obligations to her, but she to me 
I It is forever indebted ...

And failing that you're suggesting insufficient or can not only work around me and only when I give you permission. AND I AM ONLY person who brings value and completes you. 
Without me you're not a whole person. 
To be happy you that others like you have to work together as separate from my happiness ... 
IN CONCLUSION I AM PERFECT AND enough for myself. 
If the above study found that the disease is waiting around the corner! 
To be characterized as a disease that should be subject to their own native pinpointed me as does the other. 
Either it will inevitably occur sometime in the future more or less close. 
Either of minimizing alienates the individual human value. 
Initial thought is the error that works in its madness I AM THE VALUE, THE OTHER IS NON-VALUE. 
Or other constant VALUE my satisfaction.

FLOOR Narcissus

You're a nobody without me , so I do not need you.
I only count two of us , because I am the most important .
You like to live and to exist you need me and only me.
If you need me means that you're bound to find me and treat me .
 Therefore that I can sit quietly in my favorite little corner and you have to know where to find me to find me.
If often missing without say where I go you're going to panic and desperate to find me ( a) . And I'll have fun at your expense or others like you.
The only thing you need to do is just to convince you to get attached to me.
And failing that you 're suggesting insufficient or can not only work around me and only when I give you permission. AND I AM ONLY person who brings value and completes you .
Without me you're not a whole person .
To be happy you that others like you have to work together as separate from my happiness ...
IN CONCLUSION I AM PERFECT AND enough for myself .
If the above study found that the disease is waiting around the corner !
To be characterized as a disease that should be subject to their own native pinpointed me as does the other.
Either it will inevitably occur sometime in the future more or less close .
Either of minimizing alienates the individual human value .
Initial thought is the error that works in its madness I AM THE VALUE , THE OTHER IS NON - VALUE .
Or other constant VALUE my satisfaction .

Exista oameni care se raporteaza doar la ceea ce spui,la reactiile tale.
Pentru ei conteaza doar ceea ce crezi despre ei iar nu ceea ce este cu adevarat.
Adica nu tin seama de adevar ci numai de conjuctura..
Omul bun prefera stabilitatea.
Noutatea,ocolirea legii, ca si calatoria in necunoscut il excita.
Drumul drept ca si normalitatatea il plictisesc.
Egalitatatea intre oameni este un cuvant folosit in public ,pe o scena sau la TV.

Spunem ca toti oamenii sunt egali ca toti fraierii si saracii sa continue sa viseze.
Spunem fraza" toti oamenii sunt egali ",cand vrem sa pozam la TV, pentru ca da bine ,pentru noi.,ne impunem ca democrati,si mai obtinem un castig ,un vot in plus la popularitatea noastra.
Egalitatea exista DOAR intr-un fel, in care ma SATISFACE PE MINE, 
Stabilitatea  SOCIALA  sau ECONOMICA care presupune ca sa existe si alti oameni care sa fie fericiti si bogati ,la fel ca mine ,sau mai ceva decat mine,este  INSUPORTABILA PENTRU MINE.


Tu esti un nimeni fara MINE,deci EU nu am nevoie de tine.
Dintre noi doi numai EU contez ,pentru ca EU sunt cel mai important.
Tu ca sa traiesti si ca sa existi ai nevoie de MINE si numai de mine.
Daca ai nevoie de mine inseamna ca esti obligat sa ma cauti si sa ma servesti.
 Prin urmare ca eu pot sa stau linistit in coltisorul meu favorit,iar tu trebuie sa stii unde trebuie sa ma cauti ca sa ma gasesti.
Daca adeseori lipsesc fara sa-ti spun unde ma duc tu o sa intri in panica si o sa ma cauti disperat(a).Iar eu o sa ma distrez pe socoteala ta sau a altora ca tine.
Singurul lucru care trebuie sa-l fac este doar sa te conving sa te atasezi de mine.
Si  reusesc asta sugerandu-ti ca  ESTI INSUFICIENT  sau nu poti functiona decat in preajma mea si numai cand eu iti dau voie .SI DOAR EU SUNT PERSOANA CARE TE PUNE IN VALOARE si te COMPLETEAZA.
Fara mine tu nu esti un om intreg.
Ca sa fii fericit tu ca si altii ca tine trebuie sa lucrati impreuna ca si separat la fericirea mea...
Daca studiem cele de mai sus constatam ca boala  asteapta la colt!
Ca sa fie caracterizata ca boala ar trebui ca subiectul sa-si bagatelizeze propiul eu asa cum o face cu celalalt.
Ori aceasta  se va produce inevitabil ,candva ,intr-un viitor mai mult sau mai putin apropiat.
Ori  din minimizarea valorii umane individul se alieneaza.
Gandul initial este eroarea care lucreza la propria nebunie EU SUNT VALOAREA ,CELALALT ESTE NON-VALOAREA.



sâmbătă, 2 iulie 2011


German: Sebstanalyse.
English: Self-analysis.
French: Auto-Analyse
"The review of a text confuses even
the field itself "
"The problem of self-analysis to investigate itself was quickly answered by psychoanalytic movement.
On 14 November 1907 in a letter to Wilhelm Fliess, Freud said:
"Auto-analyze my stagnating.
I understand now motivul.Nu I can analyze myself than serving me of objective knowledge acquired, as if a stranger.
A true self-analysis is virtually impossible, otherwise there would be no disease. (As if the disease is in an exclusively a consequence of objective analysis or the lack of analysis may Freud meant something else that the lack of objective analysis or less subjective mental illness is a factor, my note, G.Voinea)
Freud continues:
"Since my cases I put my other problems, I see myself forced to stop my own analysis"
If true self-analysis is impossible to analyze or others is at hand:
"These reserves have led Freud to invite disciples to" analysis "or to be treated like any other patients or to become psychoanalysts.
They have developed general principles of the "analysis" of "analysis of teaching" and "analysis of control" which would allow substantiation of development profession. "(That we have developed is right, they put so analysts were thrown out the window, to seek general principles, and now they are looking the other world my note Voinea)
"Consequently, self-analysis, the investigation itself, was excluded from training standards, unless it is an extension of cure"
(Indeed, as we saw some confused cure a garment pants to be pulled out, men and women, most have pulled their belts in treatment and cure "abstinence" turned into small or large sex scandals note my Voinea)
"Freud has changed several times during opinion about ... self-analysis was conducted between June 22 and November 14, 1897" (and we've changed my mind several times, from bad to worse, ie what outrageous-nm-Voinea)
"One thing is sure however, as noted Patrick Mahony: self-analysis was not a cure through words, but through writing one ...
Octave Mannomi replaced in 1967 with the term self expression analysis ANALYSIS originating more appropriate "(we analyzed so it is a lack of analysis, the analysts note my G. Voinea)
Well see how wrong analyzing Freud, even if the topic is analyzed else, he and this someone else, all use their 'objective knowledge acquired, or subjective, it is all the same anyway.
The analyst uses his knowledge whatever these analyzes or who, even if they purport to use, more reluctantly will use ...
Not using or not using such knowledge is the problem but the analyst subjectivity.
El analyst, can often be assumed that it is more gentle, more forgiving, ie subjectively himself compared to another topic.
The level of subjectivity, reason for which the analysis should be avoided if the subject analyst and analysis are relatives or lovers and more exciting.
And that Freud says when invents "rule of abstinence".
Of course it should not be absurd, we are humans and can happen, the moment that person becomes the subject of close analysis, or boyfriend (a) analysis should be suspended in the interest of both of us.
Unfortunately none of psychoanalysts not comply with the "rule of abstinence"!
Perhaps for this reason and setbacks catrastrofale suicides raining.
We as theorists rejoice that we find such errors, analyzing magnifying mistakes master and triumph in our findings probably from too much love for Freud and especially successful writings and our comments, made just fine on account grşelilor master Freud !!
Freud is just so "our father" (note my subjective-G.Voinea) ...
The essential thing is so objectivity in analysis, proves the whole history of psychoanalysis and the objectivity or we might call a "posting", this can be maintained if there is a sentimental bond between the two!
On the other hand a self-analysis is mandatory in our opinion, as only in this way learn the exercise test and learn to analyze and others!
Analyzing other people close to the truth if, and only if, you parse correctly yourself.
Analyzing yourself advance in this process and get to know your limits.
Self-analysis tells you the position you are in that moment.
If for example you had a death in the family will be difficult for the analyst to listen to stories about the death of the subjects analyzed! Maybe yes, or maybe not!

G. Voinea
German: Sebstanalyse.
English: Self-analysis.
French: Auto-Analyse
"The review of a text confuses even
the field itself "
"The problem of self-analysis to investigate itself was quickly answered by psychoanalytic movement.
On 14 November 1907 in a letter to Wilhelm Fliess, Freud said:
"Auto-analyze my stagnating.
I understand now motivul.Nu I can analyze myself than serving me of objective knowledge acquired, as if a stranger.
A true self-analysis is virtually impossible, otherwise there would be no disease. (As if the disease is in an exclusively a consequence of objective analysis or the lack of analysis may Freud meant something else that the lack of objective analysis or less subjective mental illness is a factor, my note, G.Voinea)
Freud continues:
"Since my cases I put my other problems, I see myself forced to stop my own analysis"
If true self-analysis is impossible to analyze or others is at hand:
"These reserves have led Freud to invite disciples to" analysis "or to be treated like any other patients or to become psychoanalysts.
They have developed general principles of the "analysis" of "analysis of teaching" and "analysis of control" which would allow substantiation of development profession. "(That we have developed is right, they put so analysts were thrown out the window, to seek general principles, and now they are looking the other world my note Voinea)
"Consequently, self-analysis, the investigation itself, was excluded from training standards, unless it is an extension of cure"
(Indeed, as we saw some confused cure a garment pants to be pulled out, men and women, most have pulled their belts in treatment and cure "abstinence" turned into small or large sex scandals note my Voinea)
"Freud has changed several times during opinion about ... self-analysis was conducted between June 22 and November 14, 1897" (and we've changed my mind several times, from bad to worse, ie what outrageous-nm-Voinea)
"One thing is sure however, as noted Patrick Mahony: self-analysis was not a cure through words, but through writing one ...
Octave Mannomi replaced in 1967 with the term self expression analysis ANALYSIS originating more appropriate "(we analyzed so it is a lack of analysis, the analysts note my G. Voinea)
Well see how wrong analyzing Freud, even if the topic is analyzed else, he and this someone else, all use their 'objective knowledge acquired, or subjective, it is all the same anyway.
The analyst uses his knowledge whatever these analyzes or who, even if they purport to use, more reluctantly will use ...
Not using or not using such knowledge is the problem but the analyst subjectivity.
El analyst, can often be assumed that it is more gentle, more forgiving, ie subjectively himself compared to another topic.
The level of subjectivity, reason for which the analysis should be avoided if the subject analyst and analysis are relatives or lovers and more exciting.
And that Freud says when invents "rule of abstinence".
Of course it should not be absurd, we are humans and can happen, the moment that person becomes the subject of close analysis, or boyfriend (a) analysis should be suspended in the interest of both of us.
Unfortunately none of psychoanalysts not comply with the "rule of abstinence"!
Perhaps for this reason and setbacks catrastrofale suicides raining.
We as theorists rejoice that we find such errors, analyzing magnifying mistakes master and triumph in our findings probably from too much love for Freud and especially successful writings and our comments, made just fine on account grşelilor master Freud !!
Freud is just so "our father" (note my subjective-G.Voinea) ...
The essential thing is so objectivity in analysis, proves the whole history of psychoanalysis and the objectivity or we might call a "posting", this can be maintained if there is a sentimental bond between the two!
On the other hand a self-analysis is mandatory in our opinion, as only in this way learn the exercise test and learn to analyze and others!
Analyzing other people close to the truth if, and only if, you parse correctly yourself.
Analyzing yourself advance in this process and get to know your limits.
Self-analysis tells you the position you are in that moment.
If for example you had a death in the family will be difficult for the analyst to listen to stories about the death of the subjects analyzed! Maybe yes, or maybe not!

G. Voinea

"Reexaminarea unui text zăpăcește chiar 
domeniul in sine"
"Problema auto-analizei la investigarea de sine a fost foarte repede lămurită de mișcarea psihanalitică.
La 14 noiembrie 1907,într-o scrisoare către Wilhelm Fliess,Freud spunea:
"Auto-analiza mea stagnează.
Am înțeles acum motivul.Nu mă pot analiza eu însumi decât servindu-mă de cunoștiințele obiectiv dobândite,ca în cazul unui străin.
O adevărată auto-analiză este realmente imposibila ,altfel nu ar mai fi existat boala.(de parca boala este într-un mod exclusiv o consecință a  analizei obiective sau a absenței unei analize,poate Freud a vrut să spună altceva că lipsa analizei obiective sau mai puțin subiective este un factor de îmbolnăvire psihică,nota mea,G.Voinea)
Și Freud continuă:
"Întrucât cazurile mele îmi pun alte probleme,mă văd forțat să-mi opresc propria analiză"
Dacă auto-analiza adevărată este imposibilă analiza altora este mai la îndemană:
"Aceste rezerve l-au determinat pe Freud să-și invite discipolii la” analiză”,fie ca să se trateze ca oricare alți bolnavi,fie ca să devină psihanaliști.
Aceștia au pus la punct principiile generale ale ale ”analizei”, ale ”analizei didactice ”și ale ”analizei de control”,care urmau să permită fundamentarea dezvoltarii profesiunii."(faptul că le-au pus la punct  este drept ,le-au pus,de aceea s-au aruncat analistii pe fereastra,ca sa caute principiile generale,le caută și acuma pe lumea cealaltă,nota mea G.Voinea)
"În consecință ,auto-analiza,ca investigare de sine ,a fost exclusă din standardele de formare,cu exceptia cazului în care este o prelungire a curei"
(într-adevăr,după cum  am văzut unii au confundat cura cu un articol vestimentar de la pantaloni care trebuie scos,barbați și femei,majoritatea și-au scos cureaua în cură și  cura de "abstinență"s-a transformat în mici sau mari scandaluri sexuale,nota mea Voinea)
"Freud și-a schimbat de mai multe ori parerea in legatură cu durata auto-analizei ...s-a desfășurat între 22 iunie și 14 noiembrie 1897"(și noi ne-am schimbat de mai multe ori părerea,din rău în mai rău,adică ce scandalos-n.m.-Voinea)
"Un lucru este oricum sigur,după cum a remarcat Patrick Mahony:auto-analiza nu a fost o cură prin cuvânt,ci una prin scris...
Octave Mannomi a înlocuit în 1967 termenul auto analiza cu expresia mai adecvata  ANALIZA ORIGINARĂ"(așa este și noi am analizat o lipsa a analizei,la analiști,nota mea,G. Voinea)
Păi analizând vedem cum greșește Freud,chiar dacă pe un subiect îl analizează  altcineva ,atăt el cât și acest altcineva,tot iși folosesc "cunoștiințele obiectiv dobândite ,sau subiectiv,este oricum totuna.
Analistul își folosește aceste cunoștiințe indiferent ce analizează sau pe cine,chiar daca iși propune să nu le folosească ,mai mult fără să vrea le va folosi...
Nu folosirea sau nefolosirea acestor cunoștiințe este problema ci subiectivitatea analistului.
El,analistul,poate fi,ori ,se presupune că este mai blând,mai iertator,adică  subiectiv cu el însuși în comparație cu un alt subiect.
Nivelul de subiectivitate,ar fi motivul pentru care analiza trebuie evitată dacă analistul și subiectul analizei sunt rude sau  și mai excitant  amanți.
Și asta o spune și Freud când născocește"Regula abstinenței".
Sigur nu ar trebui sa fim absurzi,suntem oameni și se poate întampla,în clipa în care subiectul analizei devine persoană apropiata ,sau iubit(a) analiza trebuie suspendată în interesul amândoura.
Din nefericire nimeni dintre psihanaliști nu respectă "Regula abstinenței"!
Poate și din acest motiv plouă cu sinucideri și eșecuri catrastrofale.
Noi ca teoreticieni ne bucurăm că găsim astfel de erori ,analizând cu lupa greșelile maestrului și ne fălim cu descoperirile noastre probabil dintr-o prea multă dragoste pentru Freud și mai ales pentru mare  succes al scrierilor și comentariilor noastre,făcute vedeți bine pe seama grșelilor maestrului Freud!!
Astfel doar Freud este ”tatăl nostru”(nota mea subiectivă-G.Voinea)...
Esențialul în analize este deci obiectivitatea ,o dovedește toată istoria psihanalizei și această obiectivitate sau noi am putea să o numim ”detașare”,aceasta poate fi menținută dacă nu există o legătură sentimentală între cei doi!
Pe de altă parte o auto-analiza este obligatorie considerăm noi,întrucât doar în acest mod deprinzi exercițiul analizei,și înveți să analizezi și pe alții!
Analizarea altor oameni se apropie de adevăr dacă ,și numai ,dacă ,te-ai analizat corect pe tine însuți.
Analizându-te pe tine avansezi în acest proces și ajungi să îți cunoști limitele.
Auto-analiza iți dezvaluie poziția pe care te afli în momentul acela.
Dacă de pilda ai avut un deces în familie va fi dificil  ca analist să asculți poveștile legate de deces ale subiecților analizați !Poate da,sau poate nu!

G. Voinea